Posted by : Full Picture Friday, September 26, 2014


Functional at GrandChase North America! Produced by Crackiller and King Skywalker


  • Auto Bot - Functional
  • Auto Kill - Functional
  • One Hit - Functional
  • HP Full - Functional
  • MP FullFunctional
  • Instant Spell - Functional
  • Skill Livre - Functional
  • Combo Full - Functional
  • Super Armadura Functional
  • Oxigênio Full - Functional
  • Fúria Jin / Sieg - Auto On
  • Fúria Dio / Zero - Functional
  • Lin Cards - Functional
  • Agrupar Monstros - Functional
  • Parar Tempo - Functional
  • Super Velocidade - Functional
  • Super Pulo - Functional
  • Visão Ampla - Functional
  • No Wait 3 Sec - Functional
  • Item Hack - Functional
  • SS Rank (+15% EXP) - Functional


  • Auto Bot – Pass by the stages of the mission automaticaly;
  • Auto Kill – Kill all the monsters;
  • One Hit – Monsters die with just 1 hit;
  • HP Full – Your HP keep always full;
  • MP Full – Your MP keep always full;
  • MP Pet – Your Pet's MP keep always full;
  • Instant Spell – It's like press the Z key, except you don't effort;
  • Skill Free – You don't need wait to use your skills;
  • Combo Full – Combo of 9999999;
  • Super Armor – Nobody can knock you;
  • Oxygen Full – You don't lose Oxygen;
  • Fury Jin / Sieg – Fury bar always full to Jin and Sieghart;
  • Fury Dio / Zero – Fury bar always full to Dio and Zero;
  • Lin Cards – Lin cards never ends;
  • Lock Monsters – Lock the monsters in the corner;
  • Stop Time – Stops the time at 05:30;
  • Super Speed – Increases the speed of the character;
  • Super Jump – Pressing Up arrow, your character will jump too much high;
  • Amplified Vision – Increases the field of view of the screen;
  • No Wait 3 Sec - You don't need wait 3 seconds to start the mission;
  • Item Hack – Select an item and press the N key to activate;
  • SS Rank (+15% EXP) – Elevates your rank in mission to SS and you get a bonus of +15% EXP.

OBS: On some PCs you need to disable the antivirus/firewall before download the hack. It's recommended to close applications unnecessary for the operation of the system to avoid conflict. For example: (Skype, etc).

Extract the hack on your desktop;

2. The files "PlayCheat - NAGC.exe" and "PlayCheat.dll" should be on the same folder otherwise it wont work;

3. Execute the file "PlayCheat - NAGC.exe" as administrator, wait for the Loading;
4. When the main screen of the trainer is opened you can execute Grand Chase;

5.Get in a mission alone as the leader of the room, enable the functions you want and have fun!

  • Windows XP - Functional
  • Windows Vista - Functional
  • Windows 7 - Functional
  • Windows 8 - Functional


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